Join the waitlist!

The doors are currently closed, but ain't no worries. We'll re-open in mid-2025.

So you can zig while others zag, stand out in your industry, and make sales whenever the heck you want.

To get crystal clear on your messaging, own your brand voice, and write memorable copy in 12 weeks ―

Wordfetti Your Words

To the business owner drowning in half-finished Google Docs and wishy-washy messaging…

Join the waitlist for

— Emma, Therapist

I was about 3 months into opening my practice when I came across Anita and Wordfetti. I joined WYW because I was so overwhelmed with my new private Social Work practice. I knew how I wanted to sound and the value I wanted to provide but I had no idea how to articulate it.

Since completing WYW, my practice is now at capacity with dream clients! My messaging resonates deeply with people, and my business is being discussed regularly. More importantly, I feel so much more confident in my messaging, and my copy finally sounds like me. I didn't sound like a fluffy therapist (because I don't work that way or talk that way when I'm face-to-face with clients.)

Injecting some fun and humour into this challenging space was crucial to me, and WYW helped me achieve that. But my absolute number 1 highlight would be finding my brand voice and having my business sound exactly how I had dreamt it.

WYW is full of so much value and essential knowledge. The work is straightforward and always relevant and Anita and the Wordfetti team are always available and go over and above it in terms of support. I felt so incredibly supported. The amount of value packed into WYW is insane. I also could not believe the depth of the curriculum, when I first logged in and saw it all there my mind was absolutely blown - and it gets added to all the time. It’s not just business-changing but life-changing.

I recommend WYW to anyone in business, and I do so with confidence. I’m so grateful to have found this community.

"My monthly revenue has increased by 278% and I am now FULLY BOOKED"

— Stacey

"I wrote my website in 2 days through WYW and on launch we secured $15k in sales."

— Emily

"From 6 leads a month to 64 leads a month in 3 months! Our website is now a lead magnet machine!"

— Emma

"I went from 0 clients to being fully booked out and a 278% increase in revenue after WYW."

— Stacey

"I got a 9x return on my investment ($19.8K!) in WYW!"


Word on the street




How does WYW work?

There are 3 parts that make up the Wordfetti Your Words (WYW) online experience.

It is part pre-recorded modules you can consume in your own pace (total of 14 hours, and you get lifetime access), part live group mentoring calls + feedback sessions (a total of 12 live coaching calls) and part community.

Here is how it works:

They are approximately 8-20 minutes each per lesson. And you have lifetime access to these. Kind of see these lessons as pick your own adventure. (e.g. If you're about to excavate your story? Dive into that lesson. If you're feeling some mindset gremlins pop up? Dive into that lesson) 

We have a Schedule of Outcomes you can tick-off one by one, with exercises and funwork for you to complete, each designed to give you a WIN.

Where you're stuck or unsure, join us in the live coaching calls (exclusively for this cohort, there are 12 live calls with Anita!) and this is where you'll learn how to implement this in action, and be able to ask me questions to get personalised solutions.

Can't make it live? You can also submit your questions in advance and have them answered on the call.

Who is WYW for?

Great question! WYW has been primarily designed for 3 key audiences:

1. Those that are about to launch (or re-launch) their biz: and website and want to get it right.

2. Those who do not yet have a solid brand foundation (e.g. voice, message, words) to be able to propel their business.

3. Copywriters and marketers (incl. those that work in-house for a brand): who want to increase their ability to earn, or deliver better results for their organisation, or for their clients.

One of the biggest elements (based on what our alumni have told us) truly sets WYW apart is the fact it is not only a "copywriting and psychology course" but it helps you really get clarity, of who you are, and be able to communicate the value of what you do in a way that is DIFFERENT.

What type of biz owners are in WYW?

We've got creatives, copywriters, content managers for brands, graphic designers, lawyers, business coaches, freelancers, side-giggers, interior designers, architects, nutritionists, to e-comm wizards. From all across the globe!

But no matter what they do, one thing binds them: they don't want to settle for mediocre and want to zig when others zag. 

Why should I learn copy when AI like ChatGPT exists?

Here’s why you absolutely, positively should still learn how to communicate and write persuasive copy EVEN IF you want to use AI:

1. Programs like ChatGPT are only as good as what you write in the chat box.

(Yep, soz, you still need to know how to write).

It is NOT a mind reader. So if you want it to spit out good usable copy, you need to have a clear idea on WHAT your brand is and WHY you’re different. Otherwise? It’ll pump out the same generic info as every other brand in your industry.

2. AI isn’t mistake-proof!

It still needs a human touch (aka YOU) to proofread the info, add your own voice to it, and adapt it to different platforms. Meaning? To get the most out of AI, you still need to understand basic principles of writing, like tone, voice, direction.

Otherwise, it becomes incredibly obvious to your audience you didn’t write your copy yourself. (Which, spoiler alert, will sink your credibility faster than the Titanic).

3. With everyone else using AI, there’s going to be a greater demand for new, different, and authentic voices.

There’s already a tidal wave of the same-same voices & messaging flooding our feeds. Which means, your audience are hungry for fresh perspectives and voices.

So if you’re able to communicate your message in a way that’s unique? YOUR brand will be the one that cuts through the noise and rises above to be the stand-out choice.

4. AI lacks the ability to connect with human emotions.

This is the ONE thing AI and machines won’t ever be able to replicate.

In biz? We’re speaking to people first.

And the thing about us humans is that while we don’t always remember what you say, we remember how you make us FEEL.

When you’re able to reflect your audience’s feelings and emotions in your content― you won’t just create one-off customers, you’ll have loyal FANS who come back for more and spread your message like wildfire.

THIS^ is how you create true impact and it underpins everything we teach inside WYW.

Inside WYW, we teach you how to write and communicate with EMPATHY so you can build true heart-to-heart connection, meet your audience where they’re at, and yes, sell without the ick.

Tl;Dr? AI can be a powerful tool to supercharge your content creation. But ONLY once you have a clear understanding of your brand and how to articulate your point of difference.

Good news? This is literally what we cover inside WYW so if you want to get the edge over every other brand solely relying on AI, join us here.

What makes WYW different from other "courses"?

It's psychology-based instead of trends based. It's lifetime access to the core curriculum. And it's repeatable.

The writing system we teach invites our students to "refine" their messaging and copy every 6 months (we launch WYW every 6 months and with each new cohort, we have events and calls!). Copy is perhaps is EASIEST (and fastest) way for you to stand out and bring in cashflow without the need to go through a complete brand overhaul, and sometimes 1 small tweak can be the difference. 

While a lot of other courses may focus deeply in more more more information, we're about ease. Making it easier to know exactly what words and language to use to connect with your audience and drive sales. Making it easier to find your voice and message. And making it easier for you to drive conversions.

How much does it cost?

There will be two payment options:

  • You can join WYW on a payment plan (6x monthly payments of $475 USD); or
  • Pay $2,497 USD upfront and save.

I have another question!

We've got you! Send us through an email at and let's chat and see whether WYW is right for you.


Before you go

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