So you can zig while others zag, stand out in your industry, and make sales whenever the heck you want.

Get crystal clear on your messaging, own your brand voice, and write memorable copy in 12 weeks ―

Wordfetti Your Words

Wordfetti Your Words

Wordfetti Your Words

It's time to get the words outta your head and onto the page with

To the business owner drowning in half-finished Google Docs and wishy-washy messaging…

If someone asked you what you do for a living, would you:

Freeze up, get a case of the wobbles, or scramble to change the subject 
(AKA leave the DM on read until you can figure it out)?


Confidently bust out an effortless answer about the value of what you offer


If the answer’s B, then read on, my friend.

Because the ability to communicate your secret sauce in language that feels 100% true to you anytime you want?

Is closer than you think.

What people are saying about
Wordfetti Your Words

You’re good at what you do

If only you could just find the right words to say that!!

You’ve got a growing biz that’s gaining traction. 

You’ve got the skills, experience, and street cred to prove it.  

And you’re brimming with ideas, offers, and insights that have the power to transform people’s lives.

Sure, when friends and family ask about your business, you can sorta string an answer together…

But when it comes to marketing your biz to paying customers? 

You clam up faster than Ariel with her human legs.
















Check out your competitors’ websites for inspo only to get struck down by FOMO instead.

Second guess if your writing is good enough to cut through the digi noise (“Is it too much? Just right? Not enough?”).

Type, smash the backspace, and type again because the words don’t feel right.

Get paralysed by the blinking cursor because you don’t know how to attract your ideal audience.

Because no matter how many times you’ve attempted to write your own copy or define your brand, you still…

Spend 3+ hours umming and aaahing just to come up with one original email or worse ― NOTHING to show for it.

Outsourcing to someone else ― Only to end up in a frustrating circle of edits, rewrites, and revisions because neither you (or your copywriter) are clear on what you do.

Splashing money on more social media courses and visual branding ― And still not getting sales because you can’t communicate your point of difference.

Using tools like ChatGPT ― Which gets the job sorta done, but the copy is uninspiring, feels ick, and doesn’t sound like YOU.

Then your thoughts start wandering...

“Maybe it’s me?”

“Maybe, I’m just not a good writer.”

So you try...

And not helping the people who need your solution the most.

Not being visible to your audience.

Not showing up as your full self.

And every passing day that you struggle to talk about your business, is another day you’re:

Riding the rocky revenue rollercoaster, struggling to bring in qualified leads.

Feeling like the version of someone else’s brand.
On a treadmill, constantly chasing for that next sale instead of having it effortlessly flow.

With a website and social media presence that always feels meh and half-done.

And after all that time and money spent, you still find yourself in the same place…

- carmen b of jollygood

Anita!! 12 months ago I was working at launching my business, 3 days ago I did it! It launched! The universe was on my side and I received an order for 90 gift boxes the day BEFORE I had even launched. So I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have had WYW by my side for the last 12 months and how I can watch the same recording I did 6 months ago and still get something new out of it because I am at a different place.

"I received an order for 90 gift boxes the day before I launched!"

Word on the street

Is easier (and dare we say, more fun!) than you think!

When you have the right frameworks and understanding of human psychology ― 

✅ Knowing exactly what words will connect with your audience…
✅ Finding your unique voice and message…
✅ Standing in the spotlight…
✅ And winning hearts and driving sales….

You don’t have to dread the writing process.

But before you call it quits, you should know…

And if you, yourself, can't communicate why WHAT you do and HOW you do it is different from your competitors?

Not even red wine (or AI)
will help it flow.

In business, the BEST communicator wins.

In business, the BEST communicator wins.

Here's a truthbomb

Anita Siek

Hey, hey! I'm Anita, lawyer turned copy and brand strategist who also has a Psychology and Linguistics degree under my belt.

In 1 year?

I built my side-gig Wordfetti from knowing NO ONE in the industry to a waitlisted studio and digital learning hub with a $250 DIY’d website and little to ZERO ad spend until my 3rd year.

But who are you?

How, you ask?

No matter what shiny object, trend, or platform popped up (and there’s been a heckuva lot) ―

My ability to translate ideas into tangible words and turn these words into sales through psychology is THE secret weapon that’s given me the edge in the digital world

(And soon, it’ll be your secret weapon too 😉)



Through the power of words and psychology, I’ve been able to:

  • Double Wordfetti’s growth each year (yep, even in the pandemic)
  • Sell-out our digital offers including my high-touch Mastermind 3 years in a row
  • Turn our launches around by simply tweaking the messaging and emails in our launch (yep, even during a "recession")

And over the last 6 years, we’ve been able to help our clients who run multi-6,7, 8 figure businesses EXPLODE their growth and see results like:

  • Generating $150k in sales and bookings from ONE email for a hospitality client
  • Tripling the revenue (x3) of a product based business through a series of email campaigns
  • Clients being able to finally charge what they’re truly worth (which in turn allows for them to work less!) because they can communicate their value

Because the ability to communicate is the ability to sell

That? Is not a coincidence.

When you can translate your visionary ideas into words that strike a chord with your audience…

You can:

Jump online, get a cash injection and sell anytime without the ick 

Win hearts & wallets because your customers finally understand what you do

Charge higher prices because you can communicate your value 

Strategically brief contractors or team members with ease because you know exactly what sets your brand apart and how to communicate that

Become the go-to brand in your industry instead of “one of many”

THAT’s the power of knowing how to write.

You won’t be scared of being a copycat ― Because when you can find your voice and articulate your personality? You’ll be so uncopyable, not even AI can replicate you.
You won’t miss out on valuable sales waiting for your copywriter to write for you ― You can whip up an email, hit send straight away, and start making $$$ before lunch.
You won’t live or die by one specific platform ― Because the ability to communicate outlasts and transcends any trend or shiny object. (Reels, TikToks, Tweets? They all depend on words.)

And it’s why copywriting is the ONE skill that has no expiry date and will serve you no matter where you are in business.

But first, let’s address the virtual elephant in the room…

AI tools like ChatGPT can be an incredible tool in your content creation toolkit…

But only if you know how to use it properly.

Because real talk? AI is only as good as what you put into the chat box. 

And it can’t tell the difference between you and any other biz owner in your industry unless YOU tell it what makes you special. 

(Which means, you’ll end up with the same generic messaging as everyone else).

But when you’re able to laser in on your stand-out messaging, develop a unique voice, and communicate WHAT your brand is and WHY you’re different?

You’ll stand head and shoulders above everyone else who’s depending solely on AI.

To equip you with the fundamental skills to translate your ideas into words, and communicate clearer and better with your audience so you can zig when others zag, improve your visibility, and make more sales.

So my mission?

“What about AI?”

Imagine... x8, x9, x10 your ROI in less than 12 weeks.

— Ashley, launch copywriter

When I first started my copywriting journey, someone recommended I follow Wordfetti on Insta, and I'm so thrilled I did! Once I saw the Wordfetti Your Words program, I knew I *had* to join. My clients pay me a lot of money to build their brand and market their business, so I wanted to upskill as much as possible so I could deliver killer results. And yes, WYW most definitely delivered.

Unlike other copy programs that just walk you through the basics (snore), Anita teaches you how to go wayyy deep into the customer's mind so you create copy that resonates - every single time.

Her insights in WYW on design-thinking also taught me how to build brands that would stand out and last. I've now been able to make my clients happy, make myself happy, (thanks to the incredible ROI through investing in WYW!), and make the world a happier place all because of dang good copy. Next time WYW opens, do your business a favour and get on it.

"My clients pay me a lot of money to market their business, so I wanted to upskill to deliver the best results. WYW? most definitely delivered. (Thanks to the incredible ROI!)"




"The Wordfetti program was life-changing. We had $15K worth of sales in the first month alone (x8 my ROI!), and received an influx of inquiries."

— Stacey, Nutritionist AND culinary Storyteller

I joined the Wordfetti Your Words program and coaching because I was about to launch a new business and wanted to uplevel. I really wanted to get to the heart of our message with the goal of winning over our client's hearts.

Through WYW, I created our Brand DNA, wrote our website in 2 days, and the launch was amazing. We had $15K worth of sales in the first month alone (x8 my ROI!), and received an influx of inquiries, which was the goal!

WYW is so much more than just a copywriting course. I really felt like it gave me the foundations for the whole business. It combines business skills, marketing, copy, like just the whole foundation and the core of your business, and you learn how to market it.

I would recommend WYW to any new business owners, anyone doing a launch or anyone ready to up level in their current business. It was life and brand-changing for me!

— Madison, Content Marketing Freelancer

4 months ago, I signed up for what I thought was just going to be a copywriting workshop, and it ended up being one of the best things I've done for myself in a long time. And definitely, the BEST thing I've done for my business to date. One of the main reasons why I even joined Wordfetti Your words was because I had just recently started freelancing full time. And it was constantly ping pong between feeling really confident about my skills. Through WYW I feel like I've squashed imposter syndrome and have got the biggest confidence boost.

In fact, since WYW I signed on my biggest retainer client to date. And I really don't think that I would have had the confidence to do that without going through this program. And it's setting up an amazing trajectory for me to see even more growth really, really soon.

I literally signed up to WYW on the spot while doing a free webinar with Anita because I loved her energy so much. I saw the kind of people that she was attracting, and I was like, I want to be in that group. I want to feel that energy. And being in a group going through these processes together and growing together and cheering each other on has been incredible.

One of the coolest parts is that even though I'm done with a 12 week programme, I'm still in that community. You can redo the programme again, which I will, as I'm establishing myself in my business. So I'm really excited to keep growing myself in this community and continue having that accountability and that support to fall back on!

"I signed on my BIGGEST retainer to date! x8 my ROI in 12 weeks."

"I got a 9x return on my investment ($19.8K!) in WYW!"

— Stacey, Facebook Ads Strategist

I used to struggle to find the right words for my website, emails to my database and captions for social media posts. I had paralysis by analysis and my stance was to do nothing.

Doing WYW has given me the confidence to just have a go with my writing and see where it lands! I loved attending the live calls and the workbook (it's a work of art!).I had many aha moments and clear action steps following the live calls.

The day I had a zoom call, the potential client started reading lines from my website and saying 'this is me'! They signed up on the call and are still a retainer client 4 months on. They are so happy with their results and want to work with me for at least 12 months. That one perfect customer has meant a 9x return on my investment in WYW.

I would recommend WYW to all online course creators as it's an investment in how you can refine your messaging and your ability to attract your perfect customer. It's not something that can be outsourced.

If you're on the fence, jump off it and jump into Wordfetti Your Words. If you turn up to the live calls, and do the work, you'll make a huge return on your investment.

"NO MORE SECOND GUESSING! Having my very own well-defined and CLEAR AF messaging was the best gift to me (and my business)."

— Ingrid, Brand & Web Designer

As a brand designer I do messaging for my clients as part of the brand strategy phase and it felt so off that I was second-guessing my own. That was a big nope that kept me always "changing and testing", it was exhausting. I was so tired of feeling "meh"/"this will have to do". I love learning so I wanted to find something that truly felt tangible, not more theory, but action-focused change. And I did find that in WYW.

Within 2 weeks of finishing my Brand DNA, I booked 2 back-to-back dreamy projects (worth $17K+!). X9 my ROI literally in 2 weeks.

Now I have so much CLARITY. I can finally stop changing things over and over and over... And I have CONFIDENCE! To the point that I stopped feeling like an awkward duck and embraced more of my brand. That was the greatest win, that confidence that I KNOW how to finally show the benefits over the features with a true framework to always know how to refine it.

Having my very own well-defined and CLEAR AF messaging was the best gift to me (and my business). And the response to that has been so good. Literal DMs from people noticing. I attribute that to the clarity in my messaging :) Also, the time saved!!! I love going back to the workbook as a reminder to myself and I don't waste time agonizing over "how to explain this thing I do from a benefits point?"

Plus, having a safe space with such cheerleaders like Anita and Tran in the community, it's so good for an introvert like me.

WYW more than a copywriting course, this is actionable learning, a system and framework to clarify your message in a simple way that just works.

— emily, founder and hr strategist 

I found Wordfetti on instagram and I signed up for their flagship course "Wordfetti your words" as I needed help copywriting for our new website. Anita Siek is an absolute gun, the course was amazeballs.

Exceeding my expectations in so many ways. The way Anita teaches you how to write killer copy is next level. Not only does she make it fun, interesting and easy to apply. All of her strategies and tools actually work. I could not recommend this course and Anita enough. If you are feeling stuck and need to up-level your copy to drive sales then this is the course for you!

Thank you so much Anita, I am so excited to watch the leads roll in after implementing all I have learnt!

My new copywriting and branding has transformed our website into a lead magnet machine!

"From 6 leads a month to 64 leads a month in 3 months! Our new copy has transformed our website into a lead magnet machine!" 

A brand that doesn’t do normal. You’re ready to do the work. To show up. And you are so ready for the hard work and results to pay off.

Juggling a million things at once, and are READY to spend LESS time in overwhelm and MORE time in strategic areas of your biz to drive the best results.

Finding yourself feeling frozen when speaking about your brand, and you're ready to 
win hearts, become the go-to in your industry, and make MORE SALES with your words and marketing.

Keen to replace stress, uncertainty, and content paralysis with the magical sounds of PayPal, Stripe and $$$ notifications.

Ready to LOVE your brand again, and for 2023 to be a game-changing year of more (dream) clients, more intentional growth, and a mega uplevel in your revenue and profit.

And you? You are...

Seeing all the heart eyes?

Then I'd love to officially invite you to join…




To help you smash through your limiting beliefs, get crystal clear on your stand-out messaging, and understand your customer’s journey from inception through to sales…

The goal?

Tight-Knit Community

You were never meant to do this biz thing alone, and now you won’t have to! This intimate space filled with other inspiring entrepreneurs is for you to celebrate your wins, ask for support, and lean on your fetti-friends.

So you’ll never be at loss for words again!

12 weeks of LIVE Group Calls & Start-to-Finish Support

Join me (Anita) for a weekly coaching call (over 12 weeks), and have me and Teamfetti give you personalised feedback to help you define your message, conquer the blank page, and get your words out into the world!

These calls are exclusive to you and your cohort so I can give you extra attention and hold your hand from start to finish.


Simple tried-and-tested psychology-backed frameworks to help you think and write like a conversion copywriter.

Our methodology blends consumer behaviour, sales psychology, and design thinking so that every single piece of copy you write? Drives results.  

This is the exact step-by-step system we’ve used to help hundreds of small business and global brands stand out and sell through their WORDS ― all packaged up in a way that’s fun and simple to learn.

With our repeatable step-by-step system & 12 weeks of LIVE hands-on support ― you’ll go from second-guessing your business to clearly communicating what makes you so heckin' special!

Here is how we're going to do it:

WYW is MORE than a copywriting course, program or membership

The 12-week LIVE group mentoring program that shows you how to transform a blank Google Doc into clear, compelling copy (that resonates with your audience) so you can spread your message like wildfire, win hearts, and drive sales anytime you want.

Love Notes

kind words

Imagine the feelin' of kicking imposter syndrome and perfectionism to the curb...

— Zoe, Kajabi web site design and launch strategist

As a Kajabi web site design and launch strategist, I joined WYW to become more confident in my messaging and writing. I wasn't clear on who I was speaking to, what I should be saying or how to connect with my audience to then convert sales. I wanted to make the content creation and copywriting more easeful!

After WYW, I am more consistent with my content because I am now more confident in what I am saying and who I am speaking to. I can create my content for the week in less than an hour. I have changed my offers to make sure I am really helping clients with a tangible problem after working through the first 3 phases of the course. I have rewritten my entire website to make it speak to my ideal client. I launched my membership and thanks to the feedback I got on my ads and opt-in pages my cost per lead (CPL) HALVED from my last launch.

I can sit down and write an opt in page or sales page easily because I have confidence and clarity around my message!

From the moment I signed up I was completely blown away with the level of support, the surprise bonuses and the genuine level of care that Anita and the Wordfetti Team delivered. The real time support on the calls was worth the investment hands down! This course has been the best investment I have made in my business. The support, the genuine level of care, the in-depth curriculum have all helped me to reshape my business and show up with confidence to better support my clients. Not only has it helped me to better my own copy but I feel more confident in guiding my clients with writing their copy for their websites and sales pages thanks to everything I have learnt in WYW.

I would seriously recommend WYW to all my clients and I often send people to check out Wordfetti.

"This course has been the best investment I have made in my business!"




— Annie, Holistic Sleep Coach

Before joining the Wordfetti Your Words program, I felt stuck.

Now, I've been able to rewrite the copy on my website, I've put together my first freebie to start building out that subscriber list and I’ve been able to create all of the month's content in 2 days, which releases me so much in my business.

Through WYW, I found it just all poured out of me. I have had so much clarity and connection to what I want to say and how I was going to message that. I feel like everything has gone up in terms of my knowledge and my ability and my passion and my excitement and my inspiration and my abilities and my strategies and thought processes around everything, not just with writing, but in fact my whole business has just gone up.

WYW is an experience and a program that provides you with the knowledge, support, inspiration and encouragement to truly understand what you do and who you serve so you can write with clarity, confidence and joy. It empowers you to have the tools to translate your passion, your heart and your offerings into your own powerful and unique voice.

I’d recommend it to anyone who is feeling like writing currently feels painful, slow, draining. Anything who feels stuck. Anything who is doubting themselves. I encourage you to think of the difference this program can make in your business and your world.

I just can't fathom someone signing up for this program and regretting it. So if you are feeling that and you want a better and a different way, I encourage you to jump in. It's quite amazing.

"My whole business has gone UP."

— Miki, Nurse and online business educator

I've had an idea of starting a coaching business but I was scared it would be a waste of my time, so I've held off the idea for a long time and decided to stick with what I do well, which is my clinical work. Then I saw my friend raving about how her new business is overgrowing because she joined WYW, and it caught my attention. 

Initially, I planned to start my new business after I finish all WYW lessons, but in the middle of the program, I became too excited, so, I started to build a new website and my courses. Within 1 month after I launched my first mini online course, I made more than $1100!! (and that's just the beginning). Not only that, I have got clarity on my vision of my business and confidence in my business skills...and most of all amazing connections with these top-notch business legends all over the world who were a part of WYW. The inspiration and encouragement I receive from them are incredible! Seeing them thriving truly inspires me and makes me believe that I can succeed also!

If you're on the fence, know this: You'll get more than what you think you'll get. It will be a life-changing experience!

"You'll get more than what you think you'll get. WYW is a life-changing experience!"

— Jacqui, Founder of Salvida

I joined WYW right at the start of my new venture, 'Salvida.' I was on a quest to carve out a distinctive voice for Salvida. Although I considered myself a competent writer for longer pieces, social media captions were my Achilles' heel. That's when I had a hunch that WYW could be the key to breaking down these barriers, transforming the tasks I dreaded into something enjoyable and effortless!

WYW, without a doubt, activated a "word tap" in my mind. The phases, calls, and masterclasses ignited a creative spark. Now, words flow effortlessly, and I'm constantly generating new strategies to ensure Salvida is a 'blue ocean' baby. The comprehensive Brand DNA I developed through the course has streamlined my business establishment process. For instance, when I handed it to my graphic designer, she nailed the brand assets like the logo and type fonts on the first try, saving both time and money with no need for revisions!

WYW is the not-so-secret 'game-changer.' It unravels the psychology and strategy of communication, bringing clarity and focus to everything you do.

Honestly, I'd say WYW is a must for everyone. I figured WYW might just help me fine-tune a few things I was struggling with. Well, let me tell you, WYW went above and beyond. It didn't just fine-tune; it turned my whole approach to my business on its head. It pointed out a few bumps in the road from the past, too. My only regret? Not taking this course earlier. Seriously, WYW is a game-changer for anyone, no matter where you're coming from or what you've done before.

"My only regret? Not taking this course earlier."

— Vanessa, Holistic baby reflux consultant and VA

I joined Wordfetti Your Words in 2022, a year ago, because I really needed help with everything from writing content, writing emails, and mainly learning how to connect with my audience better. Back then I really wanted WYW to also help me launch and kickstart my virtual assistant career.

A year on, and now? I'm just so much more confident, so much more at ease with knowing what to say and how to say it, and how to connect with my audience. And I have a whole bunch of content that I have written during all of the exercises from word video words that I can just jump back into, and create something really quickly when I'm out of ideas or out of inspiration.

Not only that, I am now a fully booked out virtual assistant and continuing to help my reflux clients. I have also had a significant increase in sales and my online products and my reflux business. It's been an incredible year and I seriously have WYW to thank for that.

I've stayed in touch with all the Wordfetti staff and the community that they provide on the Facebook group never ends. So it feels like I really made lifelong friends and just an incredible bunch of people that make you feel like you're part of a really special family.

If you're on the fence, just jump in. Honestly. You will have no regrets whatsoever. It was the best business decision I've made in my life, the connections that I've made, the clients that I have found all through during Wordfetti Your Words, honestly, it'll be the best decision for your business. 

"I am now fully booked out! WYW has been the BEST decision of my life!"

— maria, exercise physiologist + women's wellness coach

Wordfetti Your Words offers so much more than I initially expected. When I signed up, the content sounded incredible but there is also so much value in the collaboration and sharing within the WYW community. Anita facilitated all of the bonus calls, activities and challenges. They were always so much fun and such a unique experience to be able to give and receive supportive feedback from fellow WYW members, as well as from Anita.

As a holistic health and wellness practitioner, I understand the importance of knowing and speaking to my audience from a human-centred approach and that’s exactly what attracted me to WYW, it helped deepen my understanding even further!

It has been one of the greatest investments I’ve made for my business and I would definitely recommend it for any business owner who wants to tap into new insights and build their business with a heightened understanding of their ideal audience and how to get your unique message out there in an authentic way.

"It has been one of the greatest investments I’ve made for my business!"

Here's what we're diving into in WYW:

Let's break it down

Truthbomb. Secret #1 to writing copy that sells? It's never JUST the product or the service you offer. But how do you identify the real VALUE of what you sell? In our first phase, we get straight into business by helping you get HD clarity on exactly what it is that you're selling. We uncover gaps, identify potential roadblocks so we can bid them adieu and explore exactly how you're going to get from A to B (where you ultimately want to be).

Getting HD clarity 




View the outcomes from phase 1


The "stand out" biz mindset

Complete a Business X-Ray

Articulate your audience’s deepest desire (what they're actually buying)

Choose one offer (product or service) and write up to 20 “liners” that speak to your audience’s deepest desire

Next? We dive into the psychology of words and the intersection of that with sales and consumer purchasing decisions. In this phase, you'll uncover the psychological triggers for your audience and learn how you can leverage the relationship between words, human memory and emotions to drive eyeballs (the right ones), heart to heart connection, and MORE SALES. (and have them come back for MORE) Prepare to have your mind ba-ba-blown in this phase because you may very well never ever see marketing, copy, content, and branding the same again.

The Psychology of Words


View the outcomes from phase 2

Complete your see/feel/know/read test

Identify your audience’s psychological emotions

How to write to different consumer needs

Identify your Power Words + Sensory Words

Writing a piece of content using storytelling or an analogy

To get to your audience's hearts, you've got to get into their minds. This ain't no traditional let’s-put-your-persona-together activity. Na da. From customer insight challenges, to exploring design-thinking (a creative problem solving method used by Airbnb and Uber), to helping you identify the EXACT words to use to connect to your audience and sell... you’ll walk away not only with a clear understanding of who your client is, but HOW you can leverage this to write copy that will connect better than at-home wifi AND have them openin' up their wallets to hit that "buy now" button.

Uncovering what makes your audience tick

View the outcomes from phase 3


The 3 different types of audience (that you must ensure you write to and speak to)

Start a Word Bank

Create your Customer Empathy Map

Create your Messaging Matrix

Data mine your audience

Get client testimonials

If you know what to say but you don't know HOW to say it, chances are, you don't know your voice or your message. So in this phase, we craft the DNA of your brand: mission, vision, brand values, voice and positioning.

You’ll walk out of this phase knowing who you are, what you do, and what your brand stands for. And best of all? You’ll also have your Brand DNA completed, to handover to a VA, designer, copywriter, social media manager or team member so each time you outsource? It's consistent. 

Your Brand DNA


View the outcomes from phase 4

Your Vision and Mission

Brand Values

Brand Positioning

Brand Personality

404 Page Test

Elevator Pitch

Let's be honest. There's a lotta digi noise out there. And although it once used to be all about creating something that "stops the scroll", attention means zilch if it doesn't translate into sales. So in this phase we dive into exploring your content eco-system and not be absorbed into the content creation black hole and feel overwhelmed.

By the end of this phase? You'll know how to create content that not only grabs attention and increases visibility, but will also nurtures, establish trust and connection, and translate this into kachings and sales. 

Content that creates wild demand

View the outcomes from phase 5


Content Marketing Ecosystem

Ideate on a Lead Gen to build your email list

Send an email to your email list

Have your next 3 months of social content done

Content Journey

Last but not least. Sales. Conversions. Retention. And reselling. In this final phase of WYW, we dive into a myriad of psychology-backed approaches to not only increase sales, but increase the life-time value of one customer.

On completion of this phase, you'll know how to move an audience from "maybe" to "I need this now", know how to speak to all the different stages of a buyer's journey (yep, truthbomb: not everyone is ready to buy), and why we believe the traditional marketing funnel is flawed (and what you should focus on instead).

Sales mastery and retention


View the outcomes from phase 6

Bow Tie Funnel (our take on the traditional marketing funnel)

Stages of the Buyer Cycle

4 different types of Decision-makers (and how to write to them)

Sales psychology and persuasion techniques

Write 1 page of your website (e.g. Home, About, Services)

Through the program?

You’ll walk away with the full copywriting system to uncover your stand-out message, write your website (and copy), and drive eyeballs to it through captivating content…

Knowing EXACTLY what words to use to create visibility, connection and conversions through your content (with ease and fun!)

Here is what you’d walk away with:

Your digital HQ (aka Website!) optmised and conversion-ready

Distill your brand messagings into your very own Brand DNA

Nail your stand-out message

You don’t think you’re a good writer

You don’t need A++ in grammar to be the go-to brand in your industry. All you need is the ability to tap into your audience’s psyche and the right frameworks to share your ideas clearly and concisely.

With WYW, you’ll get a 360 degree understanding of your audience’s desires & buying behaviours, a thorough understanding of the psychology of words and persuasion, PLUS frameworks and a repeatable step-by-step system to write any piece of copy.

And once you understand the psychology of words and principles of persuasion? The words will flow like red wine on Sangria night.

WYW is for you EVEN IF:

You plan to outsource your marketing

Hard truth: If you’re not clear on what your brand is and your point of difference? You won’t be able to strategically brief your contractors or team members.

And this mistake? Is what leads to an endless circle of back & forth, edits, revisions, rewrites, and ultimately? Money down the toilet.

In WYW, we co-create your very own Brand DNA:

AKA a centralised brand bible containing your uncopyable brand voice, your stand-out message, your word bank, your audience buying behaviour ‘n’ motivations map.

With this baby in your digital pocket, you’ll be able to hand it off to any contractor and receive on-point and on-brand copy every.single.time. 

You want to lean on AI

AI can help you pump out copy fast…

But it won’t be good, original, or have a hope of converting your audience UNLESS you have a thorough understanding of your own brand and messaging first.

(Because the copy it spits out is only as good as the info you’re putting in)

In WYW, we’ll help you pinpoint your unique point of difference and how to communicate it clearly so that the next time you lean on AI? You’ll know exactly what to put in its system and how to tweak it so it sounds wholly and completely like YOU.

Sachi, Digital course creator

Wordfetti exceeded my expectations. When I joined I had nothing. Not a website. Zero. I didn't even have social media or an email list at all. The week I launched my website and started collecting leads, within the first week I almost had 100 leads thanks to WYW. The brand and the copy I have now reflects who I am and allows my business to be different, I honestly love it and  wouldn’t have been able to do this without WYW.

"I launched my website through WYW, and within 1 week, I had almost 100 leads!"

Kylie, Founder of Shabby Sisters

WYW – wow, where do I start. If I had a dollar for every #truthbomb and #ahha moment, I could shut up shop now and happily retire - literally! Every business needs WYW in their arsenal! 

The WYW completely changed the way I look at my business and how I communicate - not only internally but externally. I now want to write copy, I know what my customer journey is and after 10 years in business I’ve found my ‘brand voice’.  

WYW? Best investment I’ve ever made for my business, hands down!

"After 10 years in business I’ve found my ‘brand voice’. WYW? Best investment I've made for my business, hands down!" 

April Hardy, Brand designer

As a Brand Designer, I will happily admit - they don’t teach Brand Strategy in Design School.

You’re taught how to design a beautiful aesthetic. To go deeper and offer strategically crafted brands up until now has been reserved only for the pure geniuses who commit to Marketing degrees. Then a game changer happened. *Walks in* Anita, owner & brand-wiz at Wordfetti.

The feeling I get when the lightbulb *pings* in my brain and every bit Brand-Strategy juiciness that Anita shares seeps into my ears is indescribable. I’m already applying what I have learnt not only with my Brand Clients and their strategy, but directly within my own business and am attracting my dream clients and am seeing the results!

WYW has been hands-down the best investment I have made for my business.

"Hands-down the best investment I have made. I'm already applying what I have learnt not only with my brand clients and their strategy, but with my own business to attract my dream clients."


word on the street

Let's do this thing!

Alright. Alright. Alright

1 year access to my ever-growing Speaking and Masterclass Vault: with masterclasses on brand storytelling to personal branding (value: $2,000+)

Limited time only:

Exclusive ongoing access to the members only, WYW Facebook community (value: $1,997)

The WYW workbook, filled with our agency's copywriting templates (value: $397)

Ability to rejoin another live cohort at a heavily discounted investment

12-week live group coaching with Anita and Teamfetti to help you move forward in the program (value: $6,997)

6-phase core curriculum: lifetime access including all future refinements (value: $2,997)

Start now with $475

6 monthly payments of $475 USD

Payment plan

Upfront please!

Upfront payment of $2,497 USD

Pay upfront and save

(and 5 additional monthly payments)
OR opt to pay upfront and save!

$475 USD

Start WYW now with only

— Stacey

"I wrote my website in 2 days through WYW and on launch we secured $15k in sales."

— Emily

"From 6 leads a month to 64 leads a month in 3 months! Our website is now a lead magnet machine!"

— Emma

"I went from 0 clients to being fully booked out and a 278% increase in revenue after WYW."

— Stacey

"I got a 9x return on my investment ($19.8K!) in WYW!"


Word on the street

You may have seen Anita in

Imagine, accelerating your learning and having the mentorship and accountability with me personally for 12 weeks!

This is where I am all-in, sleeves rolled up, supporting you in our live calls so you can get real-time support as you work through the curriculum. Dive into the bite-sized lessons released each week, hop on the calls, and have me all up on your business, for copy, ideas, workshopping so you can walk away with crystal clarity.

Our live group coaching cohort only happens once a year!

(Value $5,997)

... through 12-weeks of exclusive live group coaching with me.

I'll be right there holdin' your hand.

You won't go at this alone.

SO, if you’ve completed all of the modules, attended our live calls and can submit to us all the worksheets and homework in 60 days, and you still aren’t in love with the WYW program?

I will happily refund you the $$$.
No questions asked.

You have my word.

WYW works if you do

The WYW program is protected by a 60-day Happiness Guarantee. What does that mean?

It means...

The Happiness Guarantee


More words from the WYW Alumni

— anna, photographer

"If only I could give Anita and Wordfetti 10 stars.

Before WYW I was totally lost when it came to copy. I dreaded writing it and would procrastinate for days. Being highly visual and not all that literal I had no natural instinct around what to share, how to share it and when to share it.

After completing WYW I actually ENJOY writing copy (NEVER thought I would hear myself say that). Every aspect of WYW was excellent. The customer journey, the content, the structure, the delivery.

I would recommend WYW to literally every entrepreneur on the planet. I cannot recommend Wordfetti, Anita or WYW highly enough."

"I would recommend WYW to literally every entrepreneur on the planet."

play anna's voice note

— lorraine, designer

I have been following Wordfetti for a while now, and I really resonated with Anita's journey, I too am working in the corporate world, and side hustling while I prepared to make the leap to the big exciting world of small business life! 🎉

So I was BEYOND excited when I saw the Wordfetti Your Words program, it was exactly what I needed, and honestly was the best online learning program I have done to date! Firstly I completed it, actually finished every lesson, and walked away from each lesson with fantastic feedback and tangible strategies for my business and most importantly .. had an absolute BLAST!

Secondly, being part of a community of like minded businesses that are supportive, great humans who empower each other is an absolute godsend!

So thank you to Anita and the Wordfetti team you guys hit the ball out the park with this one! And I highly recommend this program to business owners who want to take their business to the next level! 🌟

"BEST online program I've done to date!"

"Through Anita's guidance and insights the pressure of having to not only run a business but grow and expand the brand too, was eased. The WYW program teaches how to build a strong, cohesive brand strategy as a platform to grow upon, bringing to life content creation and cementing in place your business values and DNA.

One of the most powerful parts of the program for me was collaborating with other entrepreneurs on the course. Through zoom sessions with our group, the support, feedback and discussion with like minded people blew me away. Not only did it bring together people from all over the world but it connected people in a way that will continue long after the last module.

I truly wish I had the WYW knowledge 5 years ago when Alongside first started, not only for the epic content and teachings, but for the community and connections I've made that I know will be there to support every step I take in business (and life) for years to come. Anita and the team create magic with this course, instilling confidence and creativity, and plenty of fun too."

"I truly wish I had the WYW knowledge 5 years ago when Alongside first started"

— paige, PR Strategist

— Amy, Nutrition Coach

“I started my business just over a year ago, and although I thought I knew what I wanted to say, I’d always have trouble articulating it without sounding like a robot. Enter Wordfetti Your Words. The course included everything I needed to be able to speak as my brand - including identifying *exactly* what my audience needs to hear, how to ask for testimonials and feedback form clients without sounding needy, using different tones of voice for different situations and niching down to who my core audience is.

I’ve gone from struggling to know how to write website copy, emails, social media captions and ebooks, to having it all flow so effortlessly. It no longer feels like a chore, and I actually find joy in writing for my brand now, which I didn’t even know was possible! I absolutely 100% recommend the course to any business owner or entrepreneur who struggles to find the words for their brand. I can guarantee that with the ongoing support of the amazing Anita & her team, you’ll find clarity, direction and dare I say delight, in writing your own copy."

"I’ve gone from struggling to know how to write website copy, emails, social media captions and ebooks, to having it all flow so effortlessly."

— CODIE, Founder and Virtual Rural Beauty Therapist at Dust to Diamond Beauty

"Wordfetti Your Words is like having a group of cheerleaders to help you nail your business goals, deliver your unique message in a flooded market and whilst helping you truly own your unique self.
The biggest and overall life-changing result from WYW I got was being able to identify what makes me different, and allowing my copy to reflect that. It had been a long journey for Dust to Diamonds Beauty Therapy to come to this point in business and I thank the team for helping me to achieve this.

I would recommend this course to anyone willing to take OWNERSHIP in the direction of their business. Don’t walk ... RUN I can promise you that the sprint to the checkout will be worth every puff and sweat!“

"Nailed my copy and got my message to deliver in a flooded market."

"Oh. But is that all, Anita?"

Nope. Not even close.

(Value: $997+)

Save hundreds of hours by tapping into our vault of tried-and-tested Wordfetti templates (from testimonial request, survey, to customer empathy maps, messaging matrix and more) - this is the ONLY way to gain access to our agency's secret stash of go-to copywriting, marketing, and content templates.

Access to copywriting templates not available on wordshop

(Value: $590)

Dedicated focus time, for you to WRITE. Join your fellow WYW family during these live co-working sessions and ready to get productive. Whether it be writing your new website copy or your emails, implement your learnings and move one big step forward to getting it "PUBLISH-ready".

2x Live Get It Done Co-working Sessions

(Value: $5, 997)

Unsure where to begin with your copy? Don't know how to say what you want in less words? Need to workshop an idea from one of our lessons? These live coaching calls gives you the ticket direct to me, to bring all your questions and have em' answered. I'll be right there holdin' your hand through out. A lot of our Alumni legit enrol JUST for this! 


AKA bonuses!

Say hello to the
Wordfetti Your Words Showbag

(Value: $147)

ChatGPT is only as good as a well-written input. Luckily we've been road-testing and creating our OWN set of prompts just for our crew. Access our ever-growing ChatGPT prompt vault with over 100+ prompts we've written ourselves to help you with ideation, sales copy, audience research, content repurposing,  and more.


(Value: $2,000)

From the 101 of writing a conversion-ready website to how to write killer headlines, and writing emails that sell, by being in WYW, you'll also unlock access to our ever-growing masterclass vault as well as access to Anita's keynote presentations such as how to tell your brand's story.

Pre-recorded masterclass and speaking vault

(Value: $397)

A Canva Template created specifically for you to completely personalise with your brand vibes. This template on completion will then form your very own, Brand Strategy/Brand DNA which we will co-create together through the program.

A Brand DNA Canva Template

(Value: $648)

Conversion-driven website copywriting templates and everything you need to be able to write-your-own website copy in 5 days. Inside this pack, you'll have copywriting templates for: Home Page, About Page, Services Page and Product Description Pages. Ready for you to pomodoro up, fill in the blanks over a cuppa' and get that website up and running. 

Website in 5 days copywriting templates

(Value: $197)

A 27 page step by step breakdown of our 9-step sales page framework to writing sales copy (including our own!), and writing a killer sales page that speaks to all of the different buyer journeys (from those that are “cold” leads to warm, to hot!). You'll also get a visual template of a conversion-driving sales page, and templates for killer headlines to make it HD clear to your audience what you’re actually selling. 


2x new bonuses just added!

More bonuses!

(Value: $397)

A 90-minute sleeves-rolled-up workshop that will completely game-change the way you write. You’ll walk away with our repeatable method to create your 1-pager cheat sheet to know EXACTLY what the desires and pains are of your audience, and HOW to communicate to your audience to have them devouring every single word and buy-up your offers.

A LIVE 90-minute Messaging Workshop with me in May 2024

(Value: $98)

Get 2 months exclusive access into our private all-in-one membership for online business owners who are ready to level up their content marketing game, supercharge their business growth and reclaim their time, energy and sanity. Monthly masterclasses and monthly content plans delivered to your inbox!


— Miranda, earth Energies Australia

Before WYW, I had a website but it wasn't launched yet. I'd write things again and again, researching through what everyone else was doing to validate what I'd write.

I joined WYW because I knew if I paid someone to write for me, I'd end up rewriting it so I thought I might as well learn myself as it'll save me money in the long run and I want to be able to communicate and write copy.

Now I feel like I can do it myself with confidence! If It wasn't for WYW, I’d be still struggling, trying to figure out what's wrong, writing something over and over again, and taking hours, trying to make anything sound good. Now I don't look at other people's websites to validate what I'm writing. I can write compelling copy more confidently, I understand my customer deeper and am so much more excited for people to look at my website and for it to convert.

"Now I don't look at other people's websites to validate what I'm writing. I feel like I can do it myself and more confidently!"

— Sachi, The CRNA Club

The week I launched my website and started collecting leads, within the first week I almost had 100 leads! WYW has FOR SURE helped me do that. And since then, I’ve gotten a lot more DMs, more email responses and just better feedback that I’m connecting with my audience.

"I launched my website through WYW, and within the 1st week, I had almost had 100 leads!"

— Yee Qing, Bueno blocks

Before WYW our website wasn't welcoming and we started to feel a lot of competitors were sounding like us. Back then, a lot of our copy were quite "serious" and in a way it felt like we were constantly just "selling" products. I felt I didn’t know how to be different from anyone else and felt stuck repeating myself and running out of ideas on how to sell differently.

What changed the most since joining WYW was our language, our messaging (selling connection as opposed to just toys) and how we connected with our customers through words in every touch point. Our customers have noticed this too. 

Since WYW, I've felt relief and more confidence. Relief that people are finally noticing my business, giving us positive feedback and based on customer feedback, a lot of our customers now say how much we're standing out now! I enjoyed WYW so much that I joined Anita's Mastermind, and since joining, we went from survival mode to tripling our revenue in 6 months!

"A lot of our customers now say how much we're standing out now!"

— Jen McGinlay, Copywriter

WYW has helped me design my clients and my life. It gave me a magnifying glass to go really deep but in a genuine way. Nothing was corporate and everything was acceptable.

It's made the work I deliver to my clients more valuable. In fact, my business wouldn't be what it is without WYW. This is an A-Z of branding. I don’t have to go looking elsewhere for any other course or program anywhere because it’s all in one place. WYW.

I joined WYW 1.5 years ago, but what I've learnt has been so good that I still go back and refer to my workbook and Brand DNA (coffee stains, dog-eared pages and all!). And this is now the added value I can bring to support my clients! 

 I would 100% recommend (and have already recommended!) WYW to businesses who want to do things in a non-traditional way in their industry!

"My business wouldn't be what it is without WYW. This is the A-Z of branding. This is for you if you are a business who want to do things in a non-traditional way."

— Madison, Content Marketing Freelancer

"Through WYW I feel like I've squashed imposter syndrome and have got the biggest confidence boost.

In fact, since WYW I signed on my biggest retainer client to date. And I really don't think that I would have had the confidence to do that without going through this program. And it's setting up an amazing trajectory for me to see even more growth really, really soon."

We train copywriters inside WYW!

— MEGAN, copywriter

"WYW has been an absolute game changer for my business. As a copywriter, I wanted to learn how I could get inside my audience's (and their audience’s) minds - Anita did not disappoint. Now? I'm well on my way to becoming an evil genius - word edition. Since graduating WYW, I’ve x3 my revenue, signature offer, booked my services months in advance, and feel stronger than ever about what makes me so damn special."

"WYW has helped me rethink my business and create an in-depth brand strategy focused on human-centred design. You learn what makes your clients tick, what they want and exactly how to craft your messaging to turn them into warm-fuzzy, loyal brand ambassadors. Anita’s energy is contagious, her expertise second to none and her generosity mind-blowing. I’ve never met a business owner so invested in teaching her students; going above and beyond at every opportunity."

— Justine, Business Strategist, Copywriter

"I stumbled upon Wordfetti last year at a time when I was most vulnerable. And investing in Wordfetti has been one of my best decisions! Even after spending a decade in storytelling & marketing, Wordfetti Your Words helped me reconnect, refresh and absorb a lot of storytelling intricacies & nuances. WYW ain't your basic programme. The material Anita has curated is very well-structured and interactive. And I find myself keep going back to the materials."

— Prerna, Marketer and strategist 

— ellen, copywriter

"There is something innately and infectiously energising about Wordfetti and WYW. I had always been confident in my writing, yet with WYW I have absolutely redefined what I want it to be and how I want it to move forward. To be embraced within the community by strong like minded professionals is an added bonus. Anita has such an authentic communication style and contagious enthusiasm and love of learning, it’s a joy to be a part of. I have such a new confidence, clarity and tone to my writing thanks to WYW (and Anita)."

— RAWAN, copywriter 

"The WYW program was THE BEST online program (actually the best) I have ever registered for.

Everything from the presentation, to video explanation, and exercises were so carefully curated and extremely insightful. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone that is running their own business."


they're saying

Imagine feeling more confident...

— Marija, career coach for lawyers

I joined WYW because every time I would go to write a sales page or landing page for my workshops, I would just freeze and not know how to communicate the value I would be providing to my audience. It would always feel like a massive task and overwhelming for me to write these type of pages.

Since WYW, my copy has gotten sharper and its been easier for me to write copy for my landing pages and captions on LinkedIn, and it has resulted in more engagement from my audience online and signups to my online workshop! I feel more clear in my messaging and communicating my value as well as how I can address my clients' pain points. I also feel more confident writing landing pages for my workshops and my sales pages.

To me, WYW is more than a copy writing course. It is a course that will help you let go of your self-limiting beliefs, hone in your messaging, write killer copy, understand your client's pain points on a deep level, your brand DNA and so much more. Anita, you are a wonderful human being that deeply cares about her clients. 

"WYW will help you let go of your self-limiting beliefs, hone in your messaging, to write killer copy"

— Emma, Therapist

I was about 3 months into opening my practice when I came across Anita and Wordfetti. I joined WYW because I was so overwhelmed with my new private Social Work practice. I knew how I wanted to sound and the value I wanted to provide but I had no idea how to articulate it.

Since completing WYW, my practice is now at capacity with dream clients! My messaging resonates deeply with people, and my business is being discussed regularly. More importantly, I feel so much more confident in my messaging, and my copy finally sounds like me. I didn't sound like a fluffy therapist (because I don't work that way or talk that way when I'm face-to-face with clients.)

Injecting some fun and humour into this challenging space was crucial to me, and WYW helped me achieve that. But my absolute number 1 highlight would be finding my brand voice and having my business sound exactly how I had dreamt it.

WYW is full of so much value and essential knowledge. The work is straightforward and always relevant and Anita and the Wordfetti team are always available and go over and above it in terms of support. I felt so incredibly supported. The amount of value packed into WYW is insane. I also could not believe the depth of the curriculum, when I first logged in and saw it all there my mind was absolutely blown - and it gets added to all the time. It’s not just business-changing but life-changing.

I recommend WYW to anyone in business, and I do so with confidence. I’m so grateful to have found this community.

"My monthly revenue has increased by 278% and I am now FULLY BOOKED"

— Caitlin, Psychologist

I joined WYW on a whim. I enjoyed Anita's teaching style and needed to write words for my new website. I wanted to write my website in an approachable and personal way, but after spending many years writing uni assignments (hello 2 theses) I was unsure how to write without sounding like a textbook! 

Since WYW, I've seen a significant increase in traffic from my directory profiles (x3 since starting WYW) to my website. It has been an eye-opening process of discovery making implicit aspects of my business explicit. I now have a focused direction for my practice and I feel confident not only in writing but in marketing. 

"Since Wordfetti-ing my website, the traffic from my directory profiles have tripled (x3)" 

— kate, content strategist

As a copywriter and content creator myself I was a bit skeptical about how much I’d get out of Wordfetti Your Words but I’ve been a long time follower of Wordfetti and Anita so I knew it was something I needed to be a part of.

It’s fair to say, this program is INCREDIBLE! After working as “generalist” marketer in my corporate career, I’m mostly self-taught when it comes to working with 1 on 1 clients so learning in detail about the Wordfetti frameworks and processes is something I’m now able to apply not only to my own brand but to my clients’. 
Not only is the program full of quality tutorials and worksheets, I loved the bonus live workshops (something I’ll continue to get access to as an alumni) as it was a great chance to learn something extra and get feedback in a group coaching format. But Wordfetti Your Words is more than just content… Anita’s support is priceless! She’ll be your biggest hype-girl providing stellar feedback and suggestions along with the other inspiring entrepreneurs in the Facebook group.

"I'm now able to apply Wordfetti frameworks not only to my own brand but to my clients."

— Carena, Copywriter

Through WYW, I've seen tangible results in my business. Firstly, my copy has improved significantly. Despite completing other programs to enhance my copywriting skills, something was still missing until I joined WYW. The program was well-organized into bite-sized pieces of info, accompanied by a fantastic workbook, have been immensely helpful. Anita's approach accelerated my knowledge and business growth by at least 2 years in just 12 weeks.

WYW has boosted my confidence. I now know what I want to say and HOW to say it, without backspacing, second-guessing or procrastinating. I intimately understand my brand, which saves me time and relieves stress.

Overall, the WYW experience has been exceptional. Anita is kind and generous with her time and talents, and I love her teaching and calls. The curriculum was exactly what I needed at each step of the course, easily understood yet never basic. The community is kind and supportive of each and every member. Anita has created a truly transformative environment for anyone investing in themselves and their business.

I wholeheartedly recommend WYW to every business owner or aspiring business owner.

"Anita's approach accelerated my knowledge and business growth by at least 2 years in just 12 weeks."

Love Notes

kind words

Anna Papaioannou, Anxiety Coach and Therapist

"WYW has been one of the best investments I made in my business and I would recommend it to any business owner who is ready to communicate to their audience in a clear and authentic way. The learning, the whole process and the engaged community was a game-changer for me in finding my voice and feeling comfortable in the content I put out there!"

Leoni Milano, Business Consultant 

"Anita is a master copywriter and absolutely inspiring leader. She teaches in a fun, authentic and impactful way that helps you implement changes from day one. This signature 'Wordfetti You Words' copywriting course is absolutely legendary and 100% delivers results."

Renae Saager, Life Coach

"Anita's passion for this work and her clients RADIATES through her! Even though we had just met I felt like she knew my business in and out. She took my messy and uncertain thoughts and sorted them into magical statements. Not only that, she taught ME how to do that magic myself with my own copy."

Kayla Malss, Marketing Specialist  

"The course is the perfect balance of not only copywriting but branding and human centred design which allows students to really zone in on how they can craft copy to not only sound good, but get results.
I have to mention the community aspect of the course as well because WOW."

Kerry Kingham, Leadership Coach

"WYW is a superb online course, with community, support and feedback from people who are my ideal clients, shared willingly and regularly. With WYW, I've finally found "me" as a brand and as a business owner and it has delivered clarity and confidence in how I put myself out there. "

How do I know? 

Well let me introduce you to:

WYW will NOT be another course that’s destined to collect e-dust mites in the depths of your inbox

(Ha! You didn't think that was it, did you?)

Oh yeah. One more thing...

Let's do this!

If you complete ALL the modules and ALL your homework within the year from the date of you joining?

Then we invite you to submit your Brand DNA to us, where one of our own Wordfetti Word Wizards will personally review and critique it for you. Yep!

A review and 1:1 critique with us is usually a minimum of $700 per hour with Teamfetti and is perhaps one of the most sought-after by our clients. As a WYW alumni though? You'll get a one-time credit to redeem a 1:1 personalised critique from Teamfetti to have our expert eyeballs on your brand DNA so you know your strategy will have you standing out and creating a dent in your industry.

Note: this is a limited time offer and may not be offered in future intakes.

limited offer: The WYW Completion Bonus

You can keep filling up your days with “busy” work:

Catching up to the latest tech, TikTok and reels trends.
Chasing after shiny objects.

Spending more money on other courses that don’t get touched. 

Adding more and more tasks that don’t move your biz forward on your plate until you’re ready to topple over.


You can invest in learning how to better communicate and write copy that works.

AKA the #1 skill that has no expiry date AND will give you the highest ROI in your biz.

Yep, I said what I said. 

For years copy, words, messaging, and language have sat at the CORE of all types of advertising, marketing, sales, and branding. 

It will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS remain a key element of any business.

So you can delay it, you can try band-aid it, but you won't be able to avoid it.

When you master the art of communicating and writing? 

You’ll know how to connect with your audience, inspire them to take action, and sell your offers anytime you want. 

Because in business, the BEST communicator wins.

Real talk?

Start now with $475

6 monthly payments of $475 USD

Payment plan

Upfront please!

Upfront payment of $2,497 USD

Pay upfront and save

(and 5 additional monthly payments)
OR opt to pay upfront and save!

$475 USD

Start WYW now with only

Ready to learn the #1 skill that will give you the highest ROI in the biz?

Love Notes

kind words

So. There’s only one final question to ask…

This isn’t a membership. This isn’t an off-the-shelf product where you sign up, get treated as "another number" and get zero support. I (along with my team) are going to be right there with you. It’s a repeatable framework. Tried and tested one.

Crafted and refined over the last 6 years.

It’s time to blow up your inbox with messages that say, “I feel like I know you!”, magnetise your dream clients, and while everyone else is throwing spaghetti on the wall and flushing money down the toilet using the same-same copy? You'll be a pink flamingo in the flock of pigeons.

Wordfetti Your Words is your ticket to exactly that. 

You deserve to wake up every day and feel the forward momentum of having a brand that’s charged with rocket fuel. 

You deserve to have a business that gets featured, spoken about, and asked to be on podcasts without you even having to pitch.

You deserve to truly know what you’ve got? It’s different. It’s unique. It’s special. It’s yours and yours alone.

If only you had a copywriter and consumer psychology-backed brand strategist AND her team of word wizards in your back pocket to show you how, uh?

Well. You do now.

This biz owner that doesn't want to settle for mediocre...

A final love note to you:

Are you ready to become the best communicator and win in business?

Let's do this thing!

Alright. Alright. Alright

1 year access to my ever-growing Speaking and Masterclass Vault: with masterclasses on brand storytelling to personal branding (value: $2,000+)

Limited time only:

Exclusive ongoing access to the members only, WYW Facebook community (value: $1,997)

The WYW workbook, filled with our agency's copywriting templates (value: $397)

Ability to rejoin another live cohort at a heavily discounted investment

12-week live group coaching with Anita and Teamfetti to help you move forward in the program (value: $6,997)

6-phase core curriculum: lifetime access including all future refinements (value: $2,997)

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Upfront payment of $2,497 USD

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$475 USD

Start WYW now with only

Imagine, accelerating your learning and having the mentorship and accountability with me personally for 12 weeks!

This is where I am all-in, sleeves rolled up, supporting you in our live calls so you can get real-time support as you work through the curriculum. Dive into the bite-sized lessons released each week, hop on the calls, and have me all up on your business, for copy, ideas, workshopping so you can walk away with crystal clarity.

Our live group coaching cohort only happens once a year!

(Value $5,997)

... through 12-weeks of exclusive live group coaching with me.

I'll be right there holdin' your hand.

You won't go at this alone.

You've got questions? I've got answers.

How does WYW work?

There are 3 parts that make up the Wordfetti Your Words (WYW) online experience.

It is part pre-recorded modules you can consume in your own pace (total of 14 hours, and you get lifetime access), part live group mentoring calls + feedback sessions (a total of 12 live coaching calls) and part community.

Here is how it works:

They are approximately 8-20 minutes each per lesson. And you have lifetime access to these. Kind of see these lessons as pick your own adventure. (e.g. If you're about to excavate your story? Dive into that lesson. If you're feeling some mindset gremlins pop up? Dive into that lesson) 

We have a Schedule of Outcomes you can tick-off one by one, with exercises and funwork for you to complete, each designed to give you a WIN.

Where you're stuck or unsure, join us in the live coaching calls (exclusively for this cohort, there are 12 live calls with Anita!) and this is where you'll learn how to implement this in action, and be able to ask me questions to get personalised solutions.

Can't make it live? You can also submit your questions in advance and have them answered on the call.

Who is WYW for?

Great question! WYW has been primarily designed for 3 key audiences:

1. Those that are about to launch (or re-launch) their biz: and website and want to get it right.

2. Those who do not yet have a solid brand foundation (e.g. voice, message, words) to be able to propel their business.

3. Copywriters and marketers (incl. those that work in-house for a brand): who want to increase their ability to earn, or deliver better results for their organisation, or for their clients.

One of the biggest elements (based on what our alumni have told us) truly sets WYW apart is the fact it is not only a "copywriting and psychology course" but it helps you really get clarity, of who you are, and be able to communicate the value of what you do in a way that is DIFFERENT.

But can't I just outsource all of this?

The ability to communicate what you do in language your audience will resonate with is a critical skill for any business owner.

Think about it. Words are everywhere. Emails. Website copy. Proposals. Sales pages. Product descriptions. Call to actions. Social media. What you say online. What you say offline.

When you know how to write, you’ll be able to create any type of content at a moment’s notice. Plus, you’ll become a better communicator. And in business? The. Best. Communicator. Wins. So as a better communicator, you convert more, and become a better business owner.

What if I can't make it to the live calls?!

That's OK! Each call is recorded and posted within hours.

We will be running live bonus calls that will be spread across different times so that you are able to hopefully make it to at least one of them! If you know you'll be missing a call ahead of time, just post your question in the Facebook group, and I'll answer it (or guide you with a solution) on the call. You can then listen to my answers even if you don't attend live!

We've had a LOT of students who have joined WYW who have never attended a single live call, but have posted their questions.

Oh, and you can also listen to the calls/classes on your mobile too!

What type of biz owners are in WYW?

We've got creatives, copywriters, content managers for brands, graphic designers, lawyers, business coaches, freelancers, side-giggers, interior designers, architects, nutritionists, to e-comm wizards. From all across the globe!

But no matter what they do, one thing binds them: they don't want to settle for mediocre and want to zig when others zag. 

Why should I learn copy when AI like ChatGPT exists?

Here’s why you absolutely, positively should still learn how to communicate and write persuasive copy EVEN IF you want to use AI:

1. Programs like ChatGPT are only as good as what you write in the chat box.

(Yep, soz, you still need to know how to write).

It is NOT a mind reader. So if you want it to spit out good usable copy, you need to have a clear idea on WHAT your brand is and WHY you’re different. Otherwise? It’ll pump out the same generic info as every other brand in your industry.

2. AI isn’t mistake-proof!

It still needs a human touch (aka YOU) to proofread the info, add your own voice to it, and adapt it to different platforms. Meaning? To get the most out of AI, you still need to understand basic principles of writing, like tone, voice, direction.

Otherwise, it becomes incredibly obvious to your audience you didn’t write your copy yourself. (Which, spoiler alert, will sink your credibility faster than the Titanic).

3. With everyone else using AI, there’s going to be a greater demand for new, different, and authentic voices.

There’s already a tidal wave of the same-same voices & messaging flooding our feeds. Which means, your audience are hungry for fresh perspectives and voices.

So if you’re able to communicate your message in a way that’s unique? YOUR brand will be the one that cuts through the noise and rises above to be the stand-out choice.

4. AI lacks the ability to connect with human emotions.

This is the ONE thing AI and machines won’t ever be able to replicate.

In biz? We’re speaking to people first.

And the thing about us humans is that while we don’t always remember what you say, we remember how you make us FEEL.

When you’re able to reflect your audience’s feelings and emotions in your content― you won’t just create one-off customers, you’ll have loyal FANS who come back for more and spread your message like wildfire.

THIS^ is how you create true impact and it underpins everything we teach inside WYW.

Inside WYW, we teach you how to write and communicate with EMPATHY so you can build true heart-to-heart connection, meet your audience where they’re at, and yes, sell without the ick.

Tl;Dr? AI can be a powerful tool to supercharge your content creation. But ONLY once you have a clear understanding of your brand and how to articulate your point of difference.

Good news? This is literally what we cover inside WYW so if you want to get the edge over every other brand solely relying on AI, join us here.

What makes WYW different from other "courses"?

It's psychology-based instead of trends based. It's lifetime access to the core curriculum. And it's repeatable.

The writing system we teach invites our students to "refine" their messaging and copy every 6 months (we launch WYW every 6 months and with each new cohort, we have events and calls!). Copy is perhaps is EASIEST (and fastest) way for you to stand out and bring in cashflow without the need to go through a complete brand overhaul, and sometimes 1 small tweak can be the difference. 

While a lot of other courses may focus deeply in more more more information, we're about ease. Making it easier to know exactly what words and language to use to connect with your audience and drive sales. Making it easier to find your voice and message. And making it easier for you to drive conversions.

When does the program and live calls begin?

As soon as you join, there are 2 modules ready to go. After that, the next release will be 17th May 2024 followed by weekly releases each Friday.

Our first call will be happening on the 14th of May.

For this cohort, there will be 12x weekly calls on Tuesdays — 6x calls at 8:00am AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), and 6x calls at 5:00pm AEST to cater to our audience within different timezones.

I have another question!

We've got you! Send us through an email at and let's chat and see whether WYW is right for you.